
All about our project against digital pollution.

For every text message, for every phone call, and every video you upload or download, there are data centres making this happen. Telecommunications networks and data centres consume a lot of energy to serve you and most data centres continue to be powered by electricity generated by fossil fuels. It’s the energy consumption we are not aware of.

It is expected that in the next twenty years, the carbon footprint of these devices in the world will represent 14% of the total.

The GreenCo initiative, co-funded by the Erasmus+ European Union Programme, seeks to raise awareness about the environmental effect of excessive data use and to suggest simple and easy-to-implement solutions to minimise it.

Administrative information about the project

we raise awareness GreenEco Team

Target Groups


Students between
15- 29 years.

Primary target


ICT Training Centres, ICT companies and the General Public.

Secundary Target

The project partnership is made up of three education institutions specialized in computing and communication, within secondary and higher education, as well as a network of partners working on the development of training in digital occupations, and a research and training organization which supports the development of increased ICT industry competitiveness and digital entrepreneurship.

All of them focus on the development, transfer of innovative practices and knowledge at local, regional and European levels, together will research and develop the project´s overall outcomes.

We raise awareness towards the younger population
We plan to produce the following deliverables (intellectual outputs) :
Also, we will ensure the sustainability of all our communications and connections

Public documents

The project proposal, with detailed project information, as well as other relevant documents are available here.