Collaboration with other European Project: Erasmus+ NICE – New Pathways for Inclusion through Circular Economy
Fondazione Caritas Ambrosiana is one of the partners of the Erasmus+ project NICE – New Pathways for Inclusion through Circular Economy, an initiative aimed at promoting synergies between solidarity and…
Множително събитие на GreenCo
На 21 ноември 43 ученици на възраст 14-16 години участваха в практически семинар на тема „Отговорно поведение в дигитална среда“. Събитието се проведе в модерната лаборатория за киберсигурност в София…
New MOOC Launches in Five Languages
A new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is now available in five languages: Spanish, English, Bulgarian, French, and Italian. The course, is designed TO find our Multilingual training MOOC divided…
Събитие с мултипликатор на GreenCo
На 21 ноември 43 ученици на възраст 14-16 години участваха в практически семинар на тема „Отговорно поведение в дигитална среда“. Събитието беше организирано от Европейски Софтуерен Институт (ЕСИ) и се…
Educational Innovation and Sustainability: Digital Tools for a Green Future
EXPERIENCE GREENCO TOOLS ITS INCOM Academy – 07.11.2024 We are pleased to invite you on 7 November 2024 at 16:00 at the premises of ITSINCOM Academy c/o Malpensafiere – Busto…
Advent of Four Multiplier Events of Erasmus+ Greenco Project
Great news for the educational and environmental community! The Erasmus+ Greenco project is pleased to announce four multiplier events that will take place in different locations, with the aim of…
Presentation of Greenco project and the APP to public and private representatives of institutions in Madrid
Dissemination action among other European partners on 23/10/2024. Presentation of Greenco project, the MOOC and the APP to public and private representatives of institutions in Madrid (UCM University), Portugal (NOVA…
Presentation of Greenco project and the APP to public and private representatives of institutions in Slovakia
Dissemination action among other European partners on 18/10/2024. Presentation of Greenco project and the APP to public and private representatives of institutions in Slovakia (TUKE university), Germany (ACEEU network of…
La huella ambiental de la tecnología
Buenos días,El motivo de este correo es invitaros al encuentro que vamos a celebrar el próximo miércoles 6 de noviembre de 10h a 12h, en nuestro CRN de Getafe, que…
Use of MOOC
We are thrilled to announce today 23rd of October the launch and use of the Greenco MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on our website! This innovative course is designed to…
GreenCo Dissemination
On Wednesday, October 9th, the National Reference Center in Building and Civil Works hosted the multiplier event for the Drones4Vet project in Paracuellos. The promoters took the opportunity to discuss…
GreenCo Dissemination
Last Thursday, 2nd October, the Training Centre in Electricity, Electronics, and Aeronautics hosted the multiplier event of the Re-main project in Leganés. The promoters had the opportunity to discuss the…
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of the Greenco MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), a groundbreaking initiative aimed at promoting sustainability and environmental awareness. The Greenco MOOC will…
GreenCo in France
GreenCo project is coming to an end. To celebrate our 3 achievements, we decided to organize 2 events in France to present them to a large public. The first one…
GreenCo dissemination
Last Friday 19th August, the Cold and Air Conditioning Training Center had the multiplier event of the OLEE project in Moratalaz and the promoters, very kindly, had the opportunity to…
Application dissemination
Are you be able answer to some questions related to the responsible use of the energy such as: All these questions and many others are possible to find in the…
Virtual Water
Summer is coming. The heat will therefore increase as the quantity of water decreases. To avoid water stress, a critical situation that occurs when available water resources are lower than…
GreenCo News 4rth July 2024
GreenCo News launches the New App for Responsible Mobile Use and the Environment Discover the new GreenCo News app and play for a greener planet! Learn while having fun: our…
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING , JUNE 10TH In a significant development for educational collaboration, two prominent Erasmus projects have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to foster greater cooperation and mutual…
A taste of Green IT
Since the month of May, the CMQ is welcoming young ladies aged of 14 to give them „le goût du numérique“ (the taste of numeric). 45 students spend an entire…