GreenCo MOOC
Here you can find our Multilingual training MOOC divided in three learning units:
- Digital pollution.
- Tips to reduce electronic devices´ carbon footprint based on efficient energy consumption and e-waste recycling.
- How our Green Computing App works.
How to access to MOOC
To access the Greenco MOOC, simply create an account on the Caseine platform.
- Enter the platform “Caseine” where the MOOC is located
- Create an account Write email and fill with your datas. Pay attention to follow istructiont to username and password
- Write your organization or if you don’t have any organization write “Greenco” why do you want access to casein? write “Greenco project”
You will receive a confirmation email from: Equipe Caseine (via Caseine)
Your account will be validated in very short time!
Do you already have an account and you want to proceed with the MOOC?
Please access:
Please do this evaluation questionnaire to improve our MOOC
Join the Green and spread your GreenCo knowledge!!!