Training for Employment in the 21st Century

Sustainability, Gamification, and Young Talent

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South Summit 2024

On June 5, 6, and 7, the South Summit 2024 was held at La Nave in Madrid, an event where entrepreneurship, financing, technological innovations, and some of the most innovative ideas in the world are discussed. On this occasion, the Community of Madrid had the opportunity to participate with its own stand, showcasing the diversity of innovation projects, technology, training, and aid to entrepreneurship offered by the Community of Madrid.

GreenCo Project Presentation

On June 6th, the National Reference Center for Informatics Development and Communications presented the GreenCo project. This project aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals and incorporates technological innovations to capture the attention of the youngest participants. These young individuals are immersed in a learning process about Green-Computing, which is almost unnoticeable and completely gamified.

Training for Employment in the 21st Century

Together with the General Director of Training of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment of the Community of Madrid, we showcased “Training for Employment in the 21st Century”. This initiative includes the GreenCo project, which aims to raise awareness and train young people on how to reduce their carbon footprint through efficient use of technology.