Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications: Empowering Ecological Transition and Digital Greening

The Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications is involved in the theme of ecological transition and in particular that of digital greening. This is why it is a stakeholder in 2 projects funded by the France 2030 recovery plan on the Call for Expression of Interest, Competence and Future Profession section.

France 2030: Preparing for the Future

France 2030 has one ambition: to prepare the France of tomorrow. This through major strategic investment choices, at the service of our fellow citizens and a strong ecological ambition, to produce better, live better and better understand our world. , and to give France a head start by creating new industrial and technological sectors to support ecological and digital transitions.

The Importance of Training in Transitions

The first lever of digital and ecological transitions, the training of young people and employees makes it possible to strengthen the human capital essential to the functioning of our companies and beyond that of all of society. It is also the best way to offer sustainable jobs at all levels of qualification throughout the territory.

Investing in Human Capital for France 2030

This is also one of the major conditions for the success of the France 2030 plan: supporting the emergence of talent and accelerating the adaptation of training to the skills needs of new sectors and jobs of the future. 2.5 billion euros from France 2030 will be mobilized on human capital to achieve this ambition.

The Call for Expressions of Interest

The call for expressions of interest « Skills and jobs of the future » falls within this framework and aims to meet the needs of companies in terms of training and new skills for the jobs of the future. Within the framework of this system, the carrying out of diagnoses of skills and training needs are financed and disseminated.


The CMQ is pleased to share with you the diagnosis carried out on the Study relating to the EUPAVEN project: “Study, Uses and Prospectives to Accelerate Digital Greening”. This study is carried out by Moulin Digital. InAs a Campus for Trades and Qualifications, the CMQ contributed to the drafting of this diagnostic. For more information, visit here.

VerIT Pro Project Consortium

The CMQ is also a member of the VerIT pro project consortium.the University Grenoble Alpes of which here is the summary.

Impact of the Digital World

It is now known and accepted that the digital world has a considerable impact on the environment. It is therefore crucial to invest massively in training (initial and continuous) in order to ensure that society as a whole (workers, decision-makers, digital users, etc.) is able to act for an eco-responsible, sober and environmentally-friendly digital world.

About the VerIT Project

The VerIT project proposes a coherent set of actions targeting (i) initial education (primary and secondary school pupils, as well as students from Bachelor to Doctorate level), (ii) continuing education (working people, job seekers, people in retraining, etc.), and (iii) civil society as a whole (and in particular digital users).

These actions cover both scientific aspects and themes related to human and social sciences. They will be implemented by a coherent consortium bringing together the Campus des Métiers et of Digital Qualifications Drôme-Ardèche, as well as numerous components of the Université Grenoble Alpes: Faculty of Sciences (UFR IM2AG), Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering and Management (Ensimag, Industrial Engineering, ESISAR, IAE, Polytech),Sciences Po (IEP).

The consortium also includes various transverse services of the Grenoble University site: Doctoral College, Design Factory and Fablab.

The Steering Structure

The steering structure will ensure the success of the project and the adequacy of the proposed training with the needs expressed by the socio-economic players. The latter will be invited to participate in an annual orientation committee which will be an opportunity to review the progress of the project (via a set of indicators) and to discuss the changes to be made in the training courses set up.

Finally, the VerIT project aims to centrally use, when relevant, innovative pedagogical devices by exploiting, in particular, the resources of the UGA Design Factory and the FabMSTIC Fablab.

Photo by diana.grystsku